News and Publications

Artificial intelligence for processing GPR data

Processing of GPR data using artificial intelligence technologies

Filtration and amplification of GPR data in GeoReader Software

After collecting GPR data, they are processed - bringing the radarograms to the maximum readable state in order to solve the project's tasks

Let's talk in more detail about the amplification and filtering functions implemented in GeoReader Software

The result of the survey "PARTICULARLY THE USE OF GPR" on 25.04.2021

Introducing the current results of the "PARTICULARLY THE USE OF GPR" poll
see information, write questions, suggestions to

Application of computer vision for interpretation of GPR data / World of roads / Issue 131

"As applied to highways, the automation of processing GPR data will help solve a global problem - processing large amounts of information, the collection of which is inevitably associated with GPR survey of extended linear objects..."

GeoReader & Мир Дорог (World of Roads, Issue 131)

АКЦИЯ в поддержку бизнеса!

До 2021 года командой ООО "ТИМ" разработана программа поддержки бизнеса!
Купите ПО GeoReader по цене обновления..!

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GeoReader is featured in "Actual Problems of Radiophysics (APR 2019)"

Romanov D.B. (Head of NPO Terrazond) notes the use of the GeoReader Software package in the article "Application of the common midpoint method in multichannel GPR"

Participation of TIM LLC in the exhibition "Roads-2019"

October 16-18, 2019 we took part in the exhibition "Roads-2019", Yekaterinburg city

Agreements were reached on partnership with the TerraZond company

Agreements were reached on partnership with the TerraZond company. The leader of the research and production association "TerraZond" Dmitry Romanov assessed the GeoReader Software package in operation