On October 16-18, 2019, we took part in the "Roads-2019" exhibition. This is the largest event at which the GeoReader Software package was presented to the general public as a tool for processing data from the "GRT-XX" georadiotomograph (3D multichannel GPR equipment) manufactured by the Terrazond company
TIM LLC was represented by the General Director - Maksim Kurbatov
Together with TIM company partner Dmitry Romanov (Terrazond), we met a large number of representatives of organizations interested in using the GPR method, shared information about the possibilities and tasks being solved by our developments - the GeoReader Software package and the GRT-XX 3D GPR
The exhibition presented many interesting developments, modern materials and tools used in road construction today. For example, at the ROSDORNII stand there were presented a mock-up of a mobile laboratory for diagnostics of highways (designed on the instructions of ROSDORNII), as well as a test GPR equipment with the help of which every interested visitor could test the GPR equipment in operation right on the spot
The road train laboratory will be produced in Russia, with its help, specialists will receive comprehensive information about the condition of the pavement, accumulate on their basis a database in the BIM format (information modeling technologies) for subsequent analysis and development of preventive measures
Good impressions are made by the road laboratories "ТРАССА" produced by OOO "СпецДорТехника" (Saratov city) on the set of applied non-destructive testing tools
During the exhibition, valuable information was obtained about promising developments, the capabilities of the GeoReader Software package were presented and one-on-one meetings were held with representatives of large companies that use GPR equipment for one purpose or another, agreements were reached on the test use of the GeoReader Software