Presentation of version GeoReader v2.11

Reliz of the version 2.11 by GeoReader Software Package

The main task of preparing the latest version of GeoReader software was to conduct a complete refactoring - code optimization, improvement of automatic testing

This development took quite a long time, during which some related improvements were also implemented:

1) a cartographic base was added to the amplitude map window

2) proportional change of scale in the plan window was implemented

3) a grid was added to the plan

Grid on the plan   Arrows on the plan

4) added vectorization of profiles in the plan

5) added a scale with units of measurement on the plan

6) added calculation of attributes between boundaries

Calculating attributes between layer boundaries

7) the algorithm for combining radargram files in the project manager has been corrected

8) the function of surface boundary straightening has been implemented, as well as the function of batch surface boundary straightening by means of the project manager

9) a set of functions has been created for batch calculation of velocities in the first layer using amplitude analysis:

   a) automatic search for the air gap boundary - according to the AI ​​algorithm, the function is implemented in the project manager
   b) batch calculation of velocities in the first layer using amplitude analysis directly from the project manager
   c) batch straightening of the air gap boundary (taking into account the calculated velocities)
   d) the ability to export layer thicknesses not only with a given step, but also the average value for fragments of a given length has been added

10) when creating cross-sections on GRT data, geographic coordinates are set automatically. In particular, an amendment has been made to the binary format when working with coordinates - the order has been increased, the accuracy has been improved

GRT Terrazond radargram trajectory

11) now it is possible to select the required calculation parameter (middle or relative_middle) when calculating the relative strength/humidity indicator, and also the choice of several calculation ranges has been added

12) mutual selection of an element has been implemented both in the radargram window and in the element manager

13) batch (using GeoReader Project) calculation of velocities in the first layer has been implemented using amplitude analysis

14) the ability to export amplitudes (as a text file) obtained by reflection from the interface between media has been added, i.e. along the drawn broken boundary

15) when constructing a velocity distribution graph, due to the different temperatures of the ground penetrating radar antenna during the day, the amplitude of the reflected signal floats, which affects the correctness of the calculations. Added a function for limiting the range of plotting a graph by speed (epsilon), in which the user himself sets the speed range beyond which the graph is not plotted

16) the function for generating a transverse/diagonal GPR section by points in the plan (amplitude map) has been improved

amplitude map

Cross-section of the amplitude map in plan

17) when generating a cross-section, the generated file is added to the list of project files automatically

18) when generating a cross-section, boundaries are automatically generated in the generated file based on the boundaries previously drawn on the original (longitudinal) radargrams

We are grateful to our users who help improve the GeoReader software package!

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